Day: July 27, 2019

Can Private Investigators Make Arrest?

Can Private Investigators Make Arrest?
Strictly speaking? No. Private investigators can’t make arrest, but thanks to mainstream movies making them look like unofficial law enforcement agents – without the liability, it’s easy to make that mistake. Let’s get a few facts cleared up about PI’s and here you can learn even more. Fact #1. Private Investigators Are Just Private Citizens What this means is that they don’t have the government backing on whatever case they’re investigating. In that vein, as private citizens, they aren’t restricted by the stringent rules police officers are bound by. For example, while a police officer would need a warrant to search your home, a PI can search your home once your consent, or the consent or a co-owner, is given. In line with PI’s being private citizens, this means impersonating a federal officer would get them arrested. Note: police officers… Read more “Can Private Investigators Make Arrest?”