Day: September 22, 2019

What Private Investigators Can and Can’t Do

There is so much misconception associated with private investigators. Many people take PIs as cops. They don’t understand what private investigators are allowed to do and what they aren’t allowed to do. Some states require private investigators to be licensed. However, licensing doesn’t make PIs cops. They are very different from sworn-in law enforcement officers. Different private investigation firms offer different services. To get detailed information about the services a private investigation firm of your interest offers, go to the contact page on their website and send an inquiry. What private investigators can’t do: 1. Wiretapping For a private investigator to conduct wiretap, he/she must have consent from one or both individuals involved in the conversation. Usually private investigators are allowed to wiretap with the permission from at least one party, but sometimes a private investigator must have consent from… Read more “What Private Investigators Can and Can’t Do”